The official PLL LOT website is at:

Flight LOT79

  • Submitted By: Aleksander Ziarkowski
  • Departure Airport: Warsaw Chopin Airport (EPWA)
  • Arrival Airport: Tokyo Narita International Airport (RJAA)
  • Aircraft: 787-8 DREAML (SP-LRG)
  • Flight Time: 13.01
  • Date Submitted: 18/11/2022
  • Route: EVINA M985 KOTEK BABKO/N0457F310 KEKED KARIL DINRO/K0845F310 N743 UDROS/N0454F310 UN743 GAKSU UN644 ZERGE/N0452F330 UN644 ROLIN N644 LAGAS M747 SUBUT T916 LEYLA N161 GASBI/K0835F330 N161 AMASO/K0826F350 N161 SARIN/K0820S1070 A368 FKG W188 GOVSA W66 DKO/K0833S1130 W69 HUR B339 LADIX W34 VAPGU W100 ORAVA W201 UNSEK A326 DONVO G597 AGAVO/N0448F370 Y644 EGOBA Y697 PILIT/N0451F390 Y697 LANAT Y51 SAMON Y517 ESKAS Y303 ENTAK Y30 SWAMP
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(218 load / PLN 656.00 per unit
PLN 143, 008.00
Fuel Cost:
(139116 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
PLN 709, 491.60

Additional Log Information:

View Log

smartCARS version, 2022.11.18 UTC
[20:19:02] Preflight started, flying offline
[20:19:02] Flying Flight Factor - Boeing 767-Extended v1.3.3
[20:19:47] Pushing back with 69975 kg of fuel
[20:20:18] Engine 2 is on
[20:21:02] Engine 1 is on
[20:22:26] Flaps set to position 2
[20:23:51] Taxiing to runway
[20:27:34] Taking off
[20:28:25] Climbing, pitch: 8, roll: level, 182 kts
[20:28:26] Gear lever raised at 27 ft at 188 kts
[20:30:48] Flaps set to position 1 at 3086 ft at 221 kts
[20:31:41] Flaps set to position 0 at 4458 ft at 239 kts
[20:49:19] Cruising at 30000ft, pitch: 2, 460 kts
[21:27:51] Cruising altitude changed to 32000 ft
[21:29:35] Cruising at 32000ft, pitch: 2, 489 kts
[03:52:19] Cruising altitude changed to 35000 ft
[03:54:12] Cruising at 35000ft, pitch: 2, 522 kts
[07:41:15] Cruising altitude changed to 37000 ft
[07:41:25] Cruising at 37000ft, pitch: 2, 515 kts
[08:49:50] Descending
[09:07:23] Approaching
[09:20:33] Flaps set to position 1 at 5960 ft at 210 kts
[09:20:42] Flaps set to position 2 at 5887 ft at 210 kts
[09:23:07] Gear lever lowered at 4290 ft at 211 kts
[09:23:18] Flaps set to position 4 at 4116 ft at 207 kts
[09:23:54] Flaps set to position 5 at 3935 ft at 170 kts
[09:24:05] Flaps set to position 6 at 3967 ft at 169 kts
[09:24:29] Flaps set to position 8 at 3975 ft at 169 kts
[09:25:47] Final approach, 130 kts
[09:30:04] Touched down at -248 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 5, roll: level, 124 kts
[09:30:10] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at 1 fpm
[09:30:32] Landed in 4042 ft, fuel: 6947 kg, weight: 116469 kg
[09:30:32] Taxiing to gate
[09:31:33] Flaps set to position 1
[09:31:36] Flaps set to position 0
[09:33:12] The flight may now be ended
[09:33:12] Arrived, flight duration: 13:01
[09:33:16] Engine 2 is off
[09:33:18] Engine 1 is off
[09:33:52] Fuel quantity increased to 6954 kg from 6753 kg
[09:33:57] Fuel quantity increased to 6981 kg from 6579 kg
[09:34:02] Fuel quantity increased to 6952 kg from 6536 kg
[09:34:06] Fuel quantity increased to 6957 kg from 6571 kg
[09:34:11] Fuel quantity increased to 6952 kg from 6594 kg

Route Map
