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Flight LOT3827

  • Submitted By: Bartłomiej Kornacki
  • Departure Airport: Warsaw Chopin Airport (EPWA)
  • Arrival Airport: Gdansk Lech Walesa Airport (EPGD)
  • Aircraft: ()
  • Flight Time: 00.41
  • Date Submitted: 21/10/2016
  • Route: OLILA T270 OSLOG
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(142 load / PLN 738.00 per unit
PLN 104, 796.00
Fuel Cost:
(5823 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
PLN 29, 697.30

Additional Log Information:

View Log

smartCARS version, 2016.10.21 UTC
[20:09:39] Preflight started, flying on VATSIM
[20:09:40] Flying PMDG 737-800NGX PMDG House Winglets
[20:19:28] Pushing back with 6533 kg of fuel
[20:20:19] Engine 2 is on
[20:21:19] Engine 1 is on
[20:24:03] Taxiing to runway
[20:26:58] Flaps set to position 1
[20:27:06] Flaps set to position 2
[20:27:10] Flaps set to position 3
[20:28:29] Taking off
[20:28:46] Climbing, pitch: 10, roll: level, 143 kts
[20:28:50] Gear lever raised at 115 ft at 171 kts
[20:30:24] Flaps set to position 2 at 5509 ft at 204 kts
[20:30:28] Flaps set to position 1 at 5575 ft at 210 kts
[20:30:37] Flaps set to position 0 at 5787 ft at 220 kts
[20:36:09] Cruising at 20000ft, pitch: 2, 439 kts
[20:50:12] Descending
[20:57:16] Gear lever lowered at 10363 ft at 245 kts
[20:57:22] Flaps set to position 1 at 10374 ft at 239 kts
[20:57:48] Flaps set to position 2 at 10167 ft at 207 kts
[20:57:52] Flaps set to position 3 at 10129 ft at 203 kts
[20:58:09] Approaching
[21:00:04] Flaps set to position 2 at 6827 ft at 178 kts
[21:01:14] Flaps set to position 3 at 5708 ft at 182 kts
[21:03:54] Flaps set to position 4 at 3522 ft at 169 kts
[21:03:58] Flaps set to position 5 at 3458 ft at 168 kts
[21:04:00] Flaps set to position 6 at 3422 ft at 166 kts
[21:04:04] Flaps set to position 7 at 3322 ft at 164 kts
[21:04:09] Flaps set to position 8 at 3252 ft at 158 kts
[21:05:09] Final approach, 134 kts
[21:08:41] Sim paused
[21:09:20] Sim unpaused
[21:10:11] Touched down at -441 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 4, roll: 4 degrees right, 126 kts
[21:10:47] Landed in 4912 ft, fuel: 3978 kg, weight: 59502 kg
[21:10:47] Taxiing to gate
[21:11:10] Flaps set to position 7
[21:11:15] Flaps set to position 6
[21:11:19] Flaps set to position 5
[21:11:21] Flaps set to position 4
[21:11:25] Flaps set to position 3
[21:11:29] Flaps set to position 2
[21:11:32] Flaps set to position 1
[21:11:40] Flaps set to position 0
[21:14:31] The flight may now be ended
[21:14:32] Arrived, flight duration: 00:41
[21:14:57] Engine 2 is off
[21:14:57] Engine 1 is off


Commenter Comment
Tymon Czerwiński Witaj Bartek. Poni?ej znajduje si? kilka uwag do Twojego ostatniego lotu. Chcia?bym aby? skomentowa? wyszczególnione punkty. Je?eli co? nie jest jasne, pytaj. Zawsze postaramy si? pomóc lub wyja?ni?. Pozdrawiam i czekam Tymon 1. Bardzo wysoko chowasz klapy. dlaczego? [20:30:24] Flaps set to position 2 at 5509 ft at 204 kts [20:30:28] Flaps set to position 1 at 5575 ft at 210 kts [20:30:37] Flaps set to position 0 at 5787 ft at 220 kts 2. FL200 - nie za nisko? EPWA-EPGD spokojnie 260-280 [20:36:09] Cruising at 20000ft, pitch: 2, 439 kts [20:50:12] Descending 3. Czy spowodowana by?a dycezja na wypuszczenie podwozia powyzej FL100? [20:57:16] Gear lever lowered at 10363 ft at 245 kts 4. To samo pytanie dla klap. [20:57:22] Flaps set to position 1 at 10374 ft at 239 kts [20:57:48] Flaps set to position 2 at 10167 ft at 207 kts [20:57:52] Flaps set to position 3 at 10129 ft at 203 kts [20:58:09] Approaching 5. Dlaczego schowa?e? klapy o 1 pozycje ? [21:00:04] Flaps set to position 2 at 6827 ft at 178 kts [21:01:14] Flaps set to position 3 at 5708 ft at 182 kts [21:03:54] Flaps set to position 4 at 3522 ft at 169 kts [21:03:58] Flaps set to position 5 at 3458 ft at 168 kts [21:04:00] Flaps set to position 6 at 3422 ft at 166 kts [21:04:04] Flaps set to position 7 at 3322 ft at 164 kts 6. Czy l?dowanie na klapach 40 by?o konieczne? [21:04:09] Flaps set to position 8 at 3252 ft at 158 kts [21:05:09] Final approach, 134 kts 7. Zapauzowa?e? ? Nie jest to mile widziane... [21:08:41] Sim paused [21:09:20] Sim unpaused 8. Do tego twarde l?dowanie z 4 tonami paliwa w zapasie. [21:10:11] Touched down at -441 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 4, roll: 4 degrees right, 126 kts [21:10:47] Landed in 4912 ft, fuel: 3978 kg, weight: 59502 kg
Bartłomiej Kornacki 1. Klapy schowa?em wed?ug sugestii wy?wietlanyh przy pr?dko?ciach. 2. FL200 poniewa? tak wstawywa? FMC przy planowaniu lotu 3, 4. Podwozie i klapy wypuszczone tak wcze?nie poniewa? potrzebowa?em wytraci? pr?dko?? przy zni?aniu 5. klapy schoane o pozycj? 3-->2 poniewa? chcia?em zwi?kszy? pr?dko?c lotu 6. L?dowanie na klapy 40 nie by?o konieczne, ale chcia?em wykona? wolne podej?cie ze wzgl?du na pogod? (bardzo silnie wia?o) 7. zapauzowanie prawdopodobnie spowodone wyj?ciem do mapy w fsx. Ju? to zmieniam w ustawieniach 8. Ilo?? paliwa planowana w simbrief + 1.5k zapasu.
Damian Bigos To ja jeszcze od siebie dodam, ?eby u?ywa? odpowiednich maszyn! SP-NNC to samolot Polish Charter a EPWA-EPGD to po??czenie z siatki LOT. Pozdrawiam Damian Bigos

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