Oficjalna strona PLL LOT znajduje się pod adresem: www.lot.com

Flight LOT6780

  • Submitted By: Maciej Wiatrek
  • Departure Airport: Reykjavik Airport (BIRK)
  • Arrival Airport: Warsaw Chopin Airport (EPWA)
  • Aircraft: 737-89P (SP-LWA)
  • Flight Time: 03.48
  • Date Submitted: 29/04/2020
  • Route: MOXAL RATSU/N0464F350 UP612 SUM UM125 ORVIK P990 AAL L621 ROE N983 AMROR N983 ELPOL N195 SORIX
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(151 load / PLN 0.00 per unit
PLN 0.00
Fuel Cost:
(24218 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
PLN 123, 511.80

Additional Log Information:

View Log

smartCARS version, 2020.4.29 UTC
[14:06:19] Preflight started, flying on VATSIM
[14:06:19] Flying B737-800X SP-LWA PLL LOT
[14:08:29] Engine 2 is on
[14:09:18] Engine 1 is on
[14:10:30] Pushing back with 12915 kg of fuel
[14:11:11] Taxiing to runway
[14:13:41] Flaps set to position 4
[14:15:52] Taking off
[14:16:16] Climbing, pitch: 11, roll: level, 151 kts
[14:16:19] Gear lever raised at 56 ft at 168 kts
[14:16:39] Gear lever lowered at 864 ft at 179 kts
[14:17:57] Flaps set to position 2 at 3481 ft at 203 kts
[14:18:09] Flaps set to position 0 at 3918 ft at 210 kts
[14:32:01] Stalling
[14:32:03] Stall recovered after a minimum speed of 269 kts
[14:38:04] Cruising at 35000ft, pitch: 4, 388 kts
[15:42:25] Gear lever raised at 34659 ft at 269 kts
[15:42:28] Gear lever lowered at 34659 ft at 269 kts
[15:54:23] Flaps set to position 1 at 34688 ft at 269 kts
[16:34:37] Flaps set to position 0 at 34847 ft at 254 kts
[17:24:28] Descending
[17:58:13] Approaching
[18:04:01] Flaps set to position 1 at 3211 ft at 212 kts
[18:04:37] Final approach, 204 kts
[18:04:53] Flaps set to position 3 at 2566 ft at 195 kts
[18:05:37] Gear lever lowered at 1868 ft at 196 kts
[18:05:38] Flaps set to position 5 at 1845 ft at 196 kts
[18:05:51] Flaps set to position 6 at 1623 ft at 192 kts
[18:06:40] Flaps set to position 7 at 801 ft at 168 kts
[18:07:03] Go around conditions met
[18:07:11] Standard final approach conditions met
[18:07:59] Touched down at -281 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 4, roll: 1 degrees right, 134 kts
[18:08:00] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -54 fpm
[18:08:14] Flaps set to position 2
[18:08:16] Flaps set to position 0
[18:08:38] Landed in 4887 ft, fuel: 1932 kg, weight: 63608 kg
[18:08:38] Taxiing to gate
[18:08:44] The flight may now be ended
[18:08:44] Taxi time was less than 15 seconds
[18:08:44] Arrived, flight duration: 03:48
[18:12:10] Engine 1 is off
[18:12:13] Engine 2 is off


Commenter Comment
Maciej Wiatrek Ko?cówka lotu poza vatsim fpsy.

Route Map